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Shandong Fuyuan Real Estate Development CO., LTD.

ShandongFuyuan Real Estate Development CO., LTD. is a joint-stock real estatedevelopment enterprises in the province, was founded in August 1999, registeredcapital of 1819 million yuan, three qualities, for the real estate developmentbusiness as its main business.

Atthe beginning of its establishment, the company assess the situation to takethe Qingdao real estate development market, successively prime high-tech parkin Qingdao haier road on the west side covers an area of 13330 square meters offushan foot developed "Fuhua yuan" residential area and the Qingdaoeconomic and technological development zone XueJiadao tourist area of 33333square meters area. In addition, the company in Qingdao also undertake somecooperation services. The implementation of the above project lays thefoundation for the development of the company. We believe that under theconcern and support of people from all walks of life, under the joint effortsof all staff, fuyuan property will be on the basis of the past to start up anew land!